news | aisot

aisot is a 2021 >>venture>> winner!

Written by Lukas Sieber | Jun 1, 2021 9:13:45 AM

Out of 357 submissions, aisot is among the top 3 in the Finance & Insurance Vertical. In the final round of the competition, aisot will pitch in front of the advisory board of >>venture>>, taking place on September 13, 2021.



>>venture>> is the leading competition for up-and-coming entrepreneurs in Switzerland.
Founded by Dr. Thomas Knecht in 1997, the competition empowers young innovators to develop their business ideas into startup companies. It is a joint initiative of ETH Zürich, McKinsey & Company, Knecht Holding, Innosuisse and EPFL, >>venture>> has been led by the >>venture>> foundation since 2013.

aisot’s business case and pitch have impressed >>venture’s>> jurors. aisot is now set to go into the final step of the competition. "aisot has enormous potential in the market. Competitive advantage is aisot's combination of data sources & the ability to forecast over different time periods", or "aisot has an excellent multidisciplinary team - a strong USP & barrier to entry for other market entrants", were some of the feedbacks from the jury. In the final round, aisot will pitch in front of the Advisory Board of >>venture>> to determine if aisot comes in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. The Grand Prize Winner will be selected amongst the five 1st place winners of each vertical. All of this will happen the day of the Award Ceremony on September 13, 2021.


Are you interested in testing aisot signals? We'd be happy to walk you through our products and services. 


View aisot's pitch for >>venture>> here: