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AI’s Real Value in Asset Management: Risk Control and Customization

The role of AI in asset management is evolving rapidly. While much of the buzz around AI focuses on its potential to boost performance, the real power of AI lies in something far more critical: controlling risks, managing volatility, and minimizing drawdowns. For asset managers, these capabilities are becoming increasingly essential, especially as investors demand more customized and resilient portfolios.

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AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data and uncover subtle patterns enhances human decision-making in risk management. By dynamically adjusting portfolios in real-time, AI helps investors anticipate market shifts and respond to sudden changes with greater agility. This leads to more stable investment outcomes, aligning returns with individual risk tolerance and delivering a smoother, more predictable investment experience. AI’s true value lies in its ability to fine-tune portfolios, supporting investors in achieving consistent and balanced returns that match their specific risk profiles. Case studies on how the AI Insights Platform would have handled recent market downturns in equity and crypto markets, shed light on how a dynamic cash component together with adjustments in the portfolio composition and weightings can lead to improved risk management. Case studies on the AI Insights Platform's response to recent market downturns in equity and crypto markets highlight the platform's ability to enhance risk management. By incorporating a dynamic cash component and making strategic adjustments to portfolio composition and weightings, the platform demonstrates how these tactics can mitigate risk and stabilize performance during volatile periods.


Volatility and Drawdowns: The True Challenges

Volatility and drawdowns can pose significant challenges to long-term financial goals. Sharp market swings can undermine confidence and disrupt investment strategies. With AI’s predictive capabilities, asset managers can take proactive steps to reduce exposure to these risks, helping to create a more stable investment journey. By focusing on minimizing volatility and drawdowns, AI plays a crucial role in preserving wealth and supporting steady, risk-adjusted growth, offering a balanced approach to asset management beyond merely seeking to outperform the market.


Customization at Scale

Another area where AI excels is in the customization of investment strategies. Traditional asset management often relies on broad, one-size-fits-all solutions. AI, however, allows for the creation of highly customized portfolios that cater to the specific needs, goals, and preferences of individual investors. This includes tailoring portfolios to ethical considerations, risk appetites, and financial objectives, all while ensuring that these portfolios remain resilient to market fluctuations. Customization doesn’t just enhance the investment experience; it also builds stronger relationships between asset managers and their clients. By delivering solutions that are closely aligned with an investor’s unique situation, AI helps to foster trust and long-term engagement.


Contextualizing Performance: More Than Just Returns

While market performance will always be a key metric in asset management, it’s important to contextualize these results within the broader framework of risk management. AI allows asset managers to not only track returns but also to understand how those returns were achieved. Did the portfolio take on unnecessary risk? Were the returns consistent? AI provides the insights necessary to answer these questions and to deliver a more holistic view of performance.

A recent report from Moody’s Ratings underscores the importance of this shift in focus. While AI brings many efficiencies to the asset management industry, Moody’s argues that it will not consistently enable firms to beat market indexes. The report suggests that any temporary performance edge gained through AI is likely to be fleeting, ultimately leading to average returns that may slightly underperform the market after costs are considered. However, this does not diminish AI’s value. Instead, it reinforces the idea that AI’s true strength lies in its ability to manage risk, control volatility, and deliver personalized investment solutions that resonate with investors. As the Moody’s report highlights, the future of asset management is not about chasing elusive market outperformance; it’s about providing a stable, tailored, and risk-adjusted investment experience. 

To illustrate practical risk management, consider the Sentinel U.S. Equity, a standout portfolio from aisot. This ESG strategy selects the twenty most widely held U.S. stocks based on a rule-based system, ensuring diversified exposure across leading industries. It maintains up to 15 holdings at any time, strategically excludes ESG laggards, and dynamically integrates up to a 50% cash component to control volatility. Employing advanced machine learning and quantitative methods, along with cutting-edge LLM sentiment analysis, the portfolio is rebalanced monthly. The goal of Sentinel U.S. Equity is robust drawdown protection, proactive volatility management, and long-term capital growth. For the backtest period from January 1, 2021, to June 10, 2024, the strategy maintained lower volatility levels than the S&P 500 (14.4% vs. 16.9%) and reduced drawdowns to nearly half that of the index (13.1% vs. 25.4%). With an annualized return of 23.3%, the strategy significantly outperformed the index, delivering more than double its return (10.9%).



Learn more: AI Insights Platform