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Learn more about Aisot Technologies and how AI empowers asset management.

Decoding Risk in Asset Management

We are launching a series of short videos on essential concepts in AI-powered Asset Management. In our first episode, Aisot AI & Quant Advisor Dr. Petter Kolm delves into the difference between risk and uncertainty, highlights key methods for measuring risk, and showcases aisot's advanced risk models.

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Advances of ML Approaches for Financial Decision Making and Time Series Analysis: Insights from AMLD 2024

At the Applied Machine Learning Days 2024 (AMLD 2024) conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, a panel...

Introducing AI Squared: A New Era in AI-Powered Investment Strategies

Aisot Technologies has launched a pioneering new strategy in the world of asset management with the...

Leveraging AI in Investment Management

In an era where technology drives market dynamics, professional investors are increasingly turning...

What Does AI Do with a "Best of SMI" Portfolio?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic. The technology is now capable of assisting people with...

Understanding Diversification and Risk-Return Dynamics

In investment management, the foundational principles of diversification and the risk-return...

"Data is what we are looking for"

Petter Kolm, a mathematics professor and Quant of the Year 2021, explains in an interview with...

Zurich fintech could become a game-changer

The Zurich fintech Aisot Technologies has developed a tool that allows investment strategies to be...

Understanding Investment Returns: The Impact of Different Investment Horizons

Investment returns, representing the gains or losses on an investment over a period, are crucial in...

Understanding Risk in Asset Management

Risk management is pivotal in asset management, where risk is defined as the potential for...