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Learn more about Aisot Technologies and how AI empowers asset management.

Managing Assets with AI – Lessons from Roger Federer’s Winning Strategy

Roger Federer recently revealed that winning just 54% of total points in his career translated into an 80% match win rate. This highlights how small margins can lead to significant success. Similarly, in portfolio management, AI can provide the crucial edge needed to outperform benchmarks, transforming modest advantages into substantial long-term gains.

Photo by Stefan Klauser

The Hidden Dangers of Over-Reliance on Excel: A $92 Million Lesson

In a world where data drives decisions, the tools we use to manage and interpret this data can...

Wealthtech in times of Chatbots: From ChatGPT to PortfolioGPT?

Despite the fact that almost all wealth advisors believe that AI is fundamentally changing the...

Time to speak AI in Asset Management

In May 2022, Allan Sloan, a seven-time winner of the Loeb Award, published the article 'The...

aisot CEO part of a Swiss Open Wealth panel

Switzerland is setting the pace with respect to an open wealth API standard. aisot was selected as...

Why Scaling AI for Asset Management Matters

With low margins and increasing competition transforming the opportunity set for asset...

aisot’s approach to ML for next generation Asset Management

The art of providing insights for next generation Asset Management, from analytics to directly...

Don’t let volatility catch you off guard

Recent Reddit-fueled market volatility calls for better predictive capacities. Markets see...